Are You Stuck in Struggle, Stress, and Sabotage

Instead of a World of Success, Love, and Freedom?

Shackles Cause Stuck Energy!

Remove them NOW!

Release Lineage Residue of Narcissism & Control...

Revitalize Your Energetic DNA!

Say "YES" to A Proven Reliable System for Removing the Relationship Residue from Narcissists and Energy Bullies!

You Deserve to Live a Radiant and Vibrant Life NOW!

As an Empath, YOU are the favorite food of Narcissists and Energy Vampires

Say "YES" to Removing Shackles, Obligations, and

Relationship Karma so that you can be

Living the Radiant Life You Deserve


With this special offer from Gwen Lepard you will:

  • Discover where Your Relationship Baggage is concealed and how to effectively clear it

  • Identify repeating patterns of disempowerment in your life — remove hidden relationship residue

  • Remove the shackles, chains, and cords you carry that are keeping you from the life you deserve!

  • Even Find Out How Obligations are Literally Weighing You Down... AND what you can do about it



I came to Gwen Lepard for help as I was unable to shift the immense pain I was feeling in my heart and gut after an unexpected conversation with someone that upset me greatly.

Gwen took me through her "Bully Blocker Unfair Advantage" process and it was an instantaneous release of all the upset I was feeling that I just couldn't shift myself.

I LOVE this process so much, so I have made it a part of my daily practice and after trying many things in the past — this works a treat for me.

As someone who has struggled with and consistently attracted narcissistic energy my entire life, this process is the medicine you need!!!

1 Column

Highly recommend Gwen Lepard and her amazing process!

HEATHER PASSANT - Queensland, Australia

Why Shackle Liberation?

The Shackle Liberation Online 5 Module Course Gives You Tools & Techniques for Transformation

What People are Saying ...

“My session with Gwen was so very vital and in the nick of time. It covered everything I'm struggling with and included raising my life force to a safe level again. I know I have to battle depression and negative thinking after all I've been through but I learnt from Gwen positive thoughts are so important for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity."

~ Tanya - Wellington, New Zealand

"When I reached out to Gwen I had a heaviness and confusion in my mind and heart from abuse and trauma that I continually found myself immersed in despite all the work I do on myself.
Gwen was such a light, inspiration and deeply connected that I knew I had to work with her.
She has certainly lifted the heavy burden and helped me to see more clearly as I remain positive in my day to day life.

"Gwen is certainly a bright light and unique.
From my first session with her I felt a pull to her energy.
She’s so grounded and such an honest and loving person."

~ Aranda, Sydney

“Gwen Lepard demystifies the relationship arena with energetic precision, shifting power dynamics, recognizing and vanquishing narcissistic injury guided by her powerful team. I always feel transformation during her group and personal sessions.”2 Column

~ Ann

Thank you so much for the amazing session on Saturday. You and your team are MAGICAL!
I also have been listening to your course and it is amazing. I love it because it is so clear, concise and effective. Simply divine."

~ Mary M, Germany

“An ah-ha from my first session is that I feel respected, heard, and acknowledged. Also, unlike many grounding exercises, my body responded well to Gwen’s. I felt relaxed when she started our session even though I came into the call tense.”

~ Jenny S, Canada

"I was in a toxic relationship when I had my first session (with Gwen) and already then I knew she was such a blessing. Then I did 2 courses of hers that helped tremendously with the healings. She is so much fun and makes me laugh even during the group healings. I have experienced deep healings and transformation after each course call.

I also love all the bonuses including the raising your vibration spray recording. That really shifts me."

~ Barbara

“Gwen Freed Me From Years Of Narcissistic Energies!!! Thank You, Gwen!”

~ Sydney Barrows


“Gwen is laser-focused, very quick, and extremely effective. She was able to do the heavy clearing to finally stop my mother & sister from draining my energy. This has been a lifelong issue for me that I am so relieved to have cleared. Gwen Is A Fantastic Multidimensional Energy Healer!" ~

Katherine, NY

Shackle Liberation

Usually Offered at...


Over $2912 Value



  • Shackle Liberation - 5 Module Course +

  • Bully Blocker

  • Gaslight Gone

  • Energy Elevator

  • Collar Restraints Clearing

  • Remove Heart Cages

  • Collective Clearing Of Shackles - Deep Release And Freedom From Control Tools

  • Flow through Holidays Unshackled with Ease

  • And More...

Here's What You'll Discover in the Shackle Liberation Course

5 Module Shackle Liberation Program

Value: $997

28 Videos & 28 MP3s

Total Runtime: 3 Hours, 23 Minutes

5 Steps to Free You rom Invasive Outer Energies

This Powerful, Freeing & Life Changing Program is a 5-part process that empowers you with immensely powerful & effective tools to clear you from the manipulative and controlling energies of Bullies and Narcissists, so that you can "be free to be me", helping you to regain your personal freedom and peace of mind.

This 5-Part program completely clears your energy inside out across all timelines to remove every single blockage!

Each part focuses on clearing a different set of controlling tools because just as every Lock needs its own specific Key, it is Critical that various types of Control Mechanisms have to be addressed specifically!

1. Attachment Abolisher

We'll set the groundwork for the entire 5 steps and you'll learn the simple way to provide immediate relief from the energetic chains, ropes, hooks, cords, attachments that your tormentor has attached to you.

You will feel a return of your own PURE, Potent and Powerful energy and vitality in this first week.

2. Restraint Remover

You'll learn how to powerfully remove various forms of restraints that keep you bound not just energetically but physically as well.Removes shackles, fetters, cages, corsets, chastity belts, collars, any other forms of restraint that have been placed in your energy field to keep you under the control of the narcissist or bully.

You'll find it easier to breathe, move your body, welcome people into your life after this release.

3. Obligation Obliterator

Gwen will show you how to remove and rescind all covert, secret, spoken and unspoken agreements between you and your tormentor so you no longer feel beholden by:

  • Commitments

  • Contracts

  • Covenants

  • Agreements

  • Oaths

  • Vows

The heaviness of those obligations will fall away and no longer have any requirement to fulfill on any energetic agreement between you.

This allows new opportunities to show up in your life because you're no longer bound to these old agreements.

4. DNA Defragger/Rewrite Your DNA and Lineage Blueprint

The Horrifying thing about Narcissistic Controlling Energy is that it stays with you even after you part ways and can be passed on through your DNA from generation to generation across lifetimes.

Gwen shares tools that can help you to Locate, Isolate, and Eliminate DNA infected with Narcissistic energy or any tendencies from family of origin.

Then Restores, Rejuvenates, and Revitalizes your DNA with instructions to keep that type of energy out for good so that all your relationships going forward are formed from this new information.

You will literally have new energetic DNA after this clearing.

5. Karma Kicker

After you've cleared everything it's time to call in the Karma Kicker to bring Completion to these Karmic Connections!

This final segment of the program integrates everything together to bring closure and completion.Karma, contrary to its reputation, has no intent to punish you; instead it helps you to learn the lessons you had chosen to learn on Earth, it helps you:

  • Complete

  • Release

  • Separate

Relationship Karma so that the lessons your souls came to learn from each other are over and you are done with the repeating story that you have been playing over and over again.

If you've been having trouble getting someone out of your head or emotions, the step will distance you so that they don't bother you anymore.You'll have a lightness after this completion that allows you to "shine your divine" and be attractive to many good things that were not "seeing" you before this relationship karma was kicked out of your life.

6. BONUS: Tying It Together

An additional bonus training to show how to bring all 5 steps together. We focus on doing a clearing of a specific person that's been blocking you in your life.

Bonus Materials

Bonus ONE
Bully Blocker

Value: $297

5 MP3s & 1 Video

Total Runtime: 39 Minutes


The Bully Blocker gives you an Unfair Advantage Against Bullies, Narcissists, Energy Vampires and Manipulators

Provides Tools to:

  • Remove the invasive energy of intimidation and control

  • Repair the damage done by those forms of attachments

  • Rubberize the protective field around you so that attempts to re-engage or hook into you by your tormentors will bounce away leaving no trace

More vitality and energy will begin flowing to you as the repairs revitalize your energy field. Your confidence will be renewed as the rubberized barrier goes up and you feel the protections that it provides that go with you everywhere.

Once you know the process, you can do a 3-second version that will work that quickly!

BONUS Tool Added to The Bully Blocker:


The Bully Blocker Upgraded with a Disco Ball to Reflect the nature of the tormentor back at them. For the highest good of all.

You'll feel immediate relief when the disempowering attachments are removed.

Gaslighting Gone:

A truthteller tool to help regain your reality

Value: $77


Total Runtime: 9 Minutes

The Gaslighting Gone Truth Teller Tool aids you in accessing your innate intelligence and the part of you that always knows what's coming before any other part of you.

It accesses the seat of your intuition. Studies have shown that it does this with 100% accuracy.

This tool helps dissolve the residue of lies, half-truths and invalidations, so that you can regain your reality and start trusting yourself again.

This includes 3 Steps:

#1) Discover

#2) Dissolve

#3) Discern

This tool will help you discover where you've been storing the crazy-making manipulation from a narcissist or bully, so you can nullify the effects of all the invalidation by using an energetic dissolving technique. You'll be able to set up parameters to discern when someone is attempting to manipulate you and block their insidious and subtle efforts to regain control over you.

Energy Elevator

Value: $247

3 MP3s

Total Runtime: 28 Minutes

The Energy Elevator™ is one of Gwen's most powerful energy hygiene tools yet.

It allows you to reclaim your energy from the many places that it's being drained off or expended unnecessarily.

Narcissists, Energy Vampires and Bullies love to connect to you and feed from your emotions and reactions.

When you use this daily, it makes you impervious to their attempts to connect to you.

This 3-Step process will:

Release Attachments

Restore Your Boundaries

Re-Align Your Spirit

This process will leave you feeling Calm, Confident and Complete… and ultimately gives you much more energy for your life, projects and love.

You will be more grounded, clear headed and feel more like yourself. It can also improve your eyesight, open your throat — so you can speak your truth, relieve back, lower extremity pain and more.

Additional Bonuses

The Liberation Clearing Series

Value $797

3 Videos

also available in
MP3 format

Total Run Time: 4.5 hours - 90 minutes each


Collar Constraints Clearing: Unleashing Your Throat Shackles and Speak Your Truth

The focus of this call is the removal of the energetic collars that constrain your voice and your ability to speak your truth.


Remove Heart Cages: Hear Your Intuitive Heart and Open to the Good in Your Life

The focus of this call is discovering and energetically removing your Heart Cages so that you can begin to hear your intuitive heart.


Collective Clearing Of Shackles - Deep Release And Freedom From Control Tools

In this 90-minute live group session, Gwen takes you through two courses that offer you powerful tools of liberation from shackles as well as the ability to raise your vibration and release FUD, fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

Then she takes you on meditation designed to deeply release control tools so that you can experience the freedom that level of liberation will open up for you.

Even More Bonuses


Value $497

2 Videos also available in MP3 format

Video Run Time: 2 hours - 60 minutes each

2 Audio Meditations Edited for your listening ease

Audio Run Time: 29 minutes total (15 and 14 minutes)


Call 1 - Flow Through The Holidays Unshackled With Ease Video

As an Empath, your sensitives are especially heightened this time of year. Even walking into a store, attending an event or going to a movie, can make you a target for feeding energy vampires.

So if the holidays are really stressful for you especially if there are narcissists in your life and if you’re easily drained by energy vampires... If you feel sucked dry and don’t know why... listen to this BONUS Holiday Clearing Call.


Flow Through The Holidays Meditation Audio

Meditation audio from the first Unshackled Holiday call.


Call 2 - Flow Through And Beyond Your Holidays With Unshackled Ease Video

Have you ever been at an event or at a large retailer and left feeling shaky and drained? Have you ever went to a movie or concert, just to feel ill breaking out in a cold sweat? Then after you get home, you decide it's not the flu or bad food. So why did you feel so bad?You were probably unwittingly feeding some energy vampires.

During this 2nd Flow Through the Holidays Unshackled with Ease, Gwen will share with you how to protect yourself so you aren't the appetizer before dinner and get you set to Flow into the New Year Unshackled by the Old.


Flow Through The Holidays and Beyond Meditation Audio

Meditation Video and Audio from Call 2 - Flow Through And Beyond Your Holidays With Unshackled Ease Meditation

Shackle Liberation

Usually Offered at...


Over $2912 Value



  • Shackle Liberation - 5 Module Course +

  • Bully Blocker

  • Gaslight Gone

  • Energy Elevator

  • Collar Restraints Clearing

  • Remove Heart Cages

  • Collective Clearing Of Shackles - Deep Release And Freedom From Control Tools

  • Flow through Holidays Unshackled with Ease

  • And More...

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"I just had a session with Gwen and a few hours later I got an email saying I got a raise. It's a 35% increase! I about fell out of my chair. I'm feeling lighter than air right now."

~ Terry Tver



Gwen is an exquisite healer who speaks the language of the body and liberates its vast unconscious power, while the soul is able to walk out of the torture chamber and straight into a fairytale.During the session, you actually feel the liberation, and the creative imagery gifts you with the beauty that's pure balm for the spirit.

~ A.M.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What commitment is expected from me?

The level of engagement that you choose is up to you. For your best results this is what is recommended:

What’s most important is to Show Up for Yourself, listen to the audios, learn the tools (can be done in one listening), and USE the tools. Ask for support in the comments section of each video when you forget your tools or feel out of your depth.

Life happens, this is new stuff. Gwen is here for you. One-on-one sessions are available if you know that working an online program alone is just going to be the tip of the iceberg.

Q. What is The “Luminous Energy Entourage?”

The "Luminous Energy Entourage" aka: "LEE" or "The Entourage" is made up of various spiritual beings of

100% Pure Light Energy.

Many of you know the Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Healers, Fairies, Native and Ancient deities, Christ energy, God, and other beautiful, loving 100% Pure Light energy from many dimensions in the Universe. LEE will be assisting throughout the teaching and will be instrumental in creating immediate clearings at the end of each training.

Q. How often do I need to listen to the recordings?

You can listen as often as you’d like. They can be played on low or silent and still be effective.

With the Bully Blocker and Energy Elevator™, you can listen whenever you want. Once you learn the technique (which can happen in one listening) you’ll also be able to use the 3-second version. The 3-second version is described in each audio.

With the Gaslighting Gone audio, you'll want to listen as often as you can until you trust yourself to see gaslighting when it's happening to you. During the audio, an ancient healing soul language discovers the residue of gaslighting and dissolves it. Throughout the audio, there is an activation of your intuitive heart that will teach it to discern gaslighting whenever it's happening, allowing you to stand your ground in your truth and regain your reality.

Q. Do the audios have to be listened to in order?

While the audios do build on one another, they also stand alone. Use what feels good to you at the time. Trust that it is what you need at the time. Please refer to the answer above as well.

Q. When can I expect results?

Results can happen instantly. Often in listening to the included audios, you’ll feel immediate relief from the shackles that have been holding you bound to the narcissist. Sometimes it takes a number of classes or sessions to get clear, it depends on your situation.

Listening to the replays you can have immediate shifts and realizations. Then as you go through your days, you’ll notice new things changing around you.

People may say that you look younger or more peaceful and ask what you’ve been doing.

For Support or to Connect Email us at: [email protected]

Joy Centered Life provides transformation facilitation including Baggage Begone™ relationship residue removal
and empath empowerment information and education.

Our services are not medical, mental health, financial, business or legal advice.

Gwen Lepard is a luminary, facilitator, and speaker, not a licensed medical or licensed

mental health professional.

Nothing on our website, in our Content or in our Services should be construed as healthcare, mental health financial, business or legal advice or as a substitute for a consultation with a licensed medical professional, licensed mental health professional or
licensed business professional who can review and advise you on your specific situation.

Nothing on our website, its content or in our services is intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental condition.

Anyone choosing to implement any information on our website or in our Services should obtain prior medical clearance from a licensed medical or mental health professional to declare them sufficiently healthy, and determine that the information on our website or in our services is appropriate and useful for them.

Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read on our website, or received from us.

Coaching is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling, therapy or medical advice.

You are encouraged to consult with a licensed business professional.

Joy Centered Life does not guarantee that you will obtain any results or earn any money using our content.

Nothing on our website or in our Services is a guarantee or promise of future earnings.

We do not provide investment recommendations, investment counseling, accounting services or tax advice.

@2024 Gwen Lepard - Joy Centered Life